CARD Xplanation

1. Godlike Class

Godlike Pokémon are the most powerful and rarest Pokémon in the game. They have exceptional stats, abilities, and attacks that can dominate the battlefield. However, using them comes with risks due to their immense power.

  • HP: Extremely high (often exceeding ???HP).
  • Abilities: Game-altering abilities that can turn the tide of battle.
  • Attacks: Devastating damage potential, often with additional effects like status conditions or battlefield control.
  • Restrictions:
    • Only 1 Godlike Pokémon can be in play at a time per player.
    • EX Rule: If a Godlike Pokémon is knocked out, the opponent draws 2 Prize Cards instead of 1.
    • Difficult to retreat due to high Retreat Cost.
  • Role: Godlike Pokémon are designed for late-game power moves. They are high-risk, high-reward cards meant to finish the game decisively.

2. Epic Class

Epic Pokémon are a step below Godlike but still have immense power and formidable abilities. They’re often mid- to late-game choices that balance high power with slightly less risk than Godlike.

  • HP: Very high, generally around 250-999 HP.
  • Abilities: Strong and impactful abilities that provide both offense and defense.
  • Attacks: High damage output, but usually without the same game-breaking effects of Godlike Pokémon.
  • Restrictions:
    • You may have up to 2 Epic Pokémon in your deck.
    • Moderate retreat cost, making them difficult to switch out but not impossible.
  • Role: Epic Pokémon act as powerhouses for mid- to late-game, helping to weaken the opponent’s strongest cards or counter Godlike threats.

3. Legendary Class

Legendary Pokémon are iconic creatures with powerful stats and abilities, but they are more balanced than Godlike and Epic Pokémon. They are strong options for any phase of the game.

  • HP: High (around 200-850 HP).
  • Abilities: Often focus on enhancing your strategy or supporting your other Pokémon.
  • Attacks: High but balanced, with some dealing significant damage and others having strategic effects (e.g., healing or status infliction).
  • Restrictions:
    • You may have up to 3 Legendary Pokémon in your deck.
    • Lower Retreat Costs compared to Epic and Godlike Pokémon.
  • Role: Legendary Pokémon are versatile and can fit into multiple roles, providing both offensive and defensive options depending on the game’s needs.

4. Mythical Class

Mythical Pokémon are elusive and rare creatures, often with unique and specialized abilities. Their role in battle tends to be more strategic, focusing on controlling or disrupting the game flow.

  • HP: Moderate to high (around 150-500 HP).
  • Abilities: Tend to focus on strategic, game-altering effects like disruption, drawing extra cards, or manipulating Energy or status conditions.
  • Attacks: Moderate to high, often with additional effects (e.g., status conditions, energy manipulation).
  • Restrictions:
    • No limit on Mythical Pokémon in the deck, but only 1 of each specific Mythical Pokémon can be included.
    • Retreat Cost is usually moderate.
  • Role: Mythical Pokémon are for players who want to add unpredictability and strategic depth to their gameplay. They support other Pokémon while potentially disrupting opponents’ strategies.

5. Ultra Rare Class

Ultra Rare Pokémon are highly valuable and powerful, but with some balance to keep them from being overwhelming. They offer high attack power and strong abilities but with limitations.

  • HP: Moderate (120-300 HP).
  • Abilities: Useful and practical, but not game-breaking. They often focus on enhancing your team’s performance or weakening opponents.
  • Attacks: Strong damage but balanced with energy costs and effects. May include status inflictions or healing.
  • Restrictions:
    • No limit on Ultra Rare Pokémon, but no more than 4 of any specific Ultra Rare.
    • Low to moderate Retreat Cost.
  • Role: Ultra Rare Pokémon serve as high-powered attackers or support, offering both offensive and defensive utility while being less risky than higher classes.

6. Rare Class

Rare Pokémon are solid, dependable Pokémon with decent stats and useful abilities. They aren’t as overwhelming as higher-tier Pokémon but can be essential in supporting roles or for early- to mid-game plays.

  • HP: Moderate (80-250 HP).
  • Abilities: Mostly supportive, focusing on healing, energy distribution, or minor status inflictions.
  • Attacks: Moderate, usually without the complexity of status effects or additional conditions.
  • Restrictions:
    • No limit on Rare Pokémon in the deck.
    • Low Retreat Costs, making them easy to swap out when needed.
  • Role: Rare Pokémon are versatile, supporting your overall strategy while remaining effective in battle. They can act as setup Pokémon or backups for your stronger cards.

7. Common Class

Common Pokémon are the foundation of the game, often used for early-game setups, evolving into stronger forms, or playing supportive roles. They are easily accessible and frequently used.

  • HP: Low (40-100 HP).
  • Abilities: Basic abilities, often involving drawing cards or minor support effects.
  • Attacks: Low damage, generally without added effects.
  • Restrictions:
    • No limit on Common Pokémon in the deck.
    • Low Retreat Costs, making them easily maneuverable.
  • Role: Common Pokémon are essential for building your strategy early in the game. They evolve into stronger forms or act as quick, expendable attackers while you set up your more powerful cards.

Class Summary Table

ClassHP RangeAbilitiesAttacksRestrictions
Godlike???+ HPGame-changing, powerfulDevastating damage and effectsMax 1 in play, EX Rule applies
Epic250-999 HPStrong, impactfulHigh damage, strategic effectsMax 2 in deck
Legendary200-850 HPVersatile, strategicStrong, balancedMax 3 in deck
Mythical150-500 HPStrategic, game-alteringModerate to high, with effects1 of each Mythical per deck
Ultra Rare120-300 HPPowerful and practicalStrong but balancedMax 4 of each in deck
Rare80-250 HPSolid, supportiveModerate damage, simple effectsNo limit
Common40-100 HPBasic, setup or evolution-focusedLow damage, no extra effectsNo limit

This structure gives each class a distinct role in gameplay, allowing players to build decks that cater to different playstyles, from brute strength (Godlike) to strategic support (Mythical) or fast setups (Common).

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